



SOUL TERRAIN by John Dickason



Maintain faith in our vision
Faith in our gifts, through trial and time
Not be afraid to commit
Time, resources and energy
To develop the enfolding lifework
Of service and light
Of divine beauty and hope
Belief in a vision will carry us through
Believe in others
We do not have to do it all ourselves
To carry the whole load
Thinking it is the only way
That it can be done correctly
friends of joy and spirit
move arm in arm lightly
carrying immense burdens
as if they were a song
smiling toward



Stepping into the
Place of awareness
Of the moments potential
And of yours
Everything clicking
Into place
As if you were expected …..
The tea awaits
Vapor curling and rising from
A table with your chair askew
And a raised wise head
Looking toward you
She gives you a key which
She says will
Fit the door
in the impenetrable wall
you take it and then realize
there are innumerable doors
the key fits them all
it is only for you to decide
in which perceptual
junction you will
perceive the depth of
her turquoise eyes



Once we went looking for wizards
Wise ones with funny clothes
And sparkling eyes
Creatures of wood
Beards of cloudwisp
Eyes of moon and sun
Walking paths of stars
Into our heart
Kestrels wait for us in branches above
We try to listen and decipher
Their songwisdom
Glory in the grace
Of their flight…..
Once in a market
A younger man aflame in light
Reached toward our knowing
Our circles constantly touch and move away
Those momentary contacts so full of
Immense wizardepth
And we turn away and go on with the next
As if it had any more grace than that one
Time moves through us
An arc of light spinning
With the mantras of the mages



Were they premonitions
Dark fears
or communication across
Quantum fields
Intersecting through
all beings and times
Intent of observer
Driving the imperceptible photons
of creation and understanding
Appear and dance from one
Galaxy to the next atom
It is our sense that our
Lives happen here
Right now to us
But this is not proven out
On quantum and perhaps
hypercosmic levels
We know not the depth of
Our bodies seas
Nor the breadth of
the soul’s horizon



Each other to learn
To be a mirror
Of the dancing dream
Watching itself
To pull one to be more eloquent
To return the other to nature
Joy in balance
Sometimes passion rises
On the dream wave
Love does not behave as we expect
Memory of touch
Spark into dry leaves
Wind of breath, kiss on ear
Morning light shadows
Pull us reluctantly into the day
From reverie of dawn
The rhythm returns
What else is there but this
Except for all that
Peace for all we wish
Love in each
Sometimes this happens



The road used to follow
A different path
Up this brook
Stonewalled gardens grew in
And frostheaved roads swallowed
Old wagons and pushed
boulders in to the sun
what did they dream
in those few hours of sleep
bone-tired in February
Orion high and half moon and Venus
Southwest just as they are tonight
You can almost hear the chink of the hoe
The hooffalls slow swish of plow
Glint of light off the blade of scythe
Children’s laughter, creak of wheels
Neighing and clucking in the medley of pinewind
Thoughts return to simpler values
What moves us on
Renaissance in the woods
Rejoicing in the fields
Reoiled ancient harness glistening sweat
Ancient talk between man and horse
Hemlocks fall and timbers rise
Beginning again



“ Whenever I feel despair,
I remember that there have always been tyrants, but that truth and love
have always prevailed, always”
A man who possessed one spinning wheel, a loincloth, his glasses and sandals and a bowl
Utterly changed the course of history with his message of equality, active non-violent resistance, justice and honoring the god within
Satyagraha, truth force
Yet he felt he failed
to spiritually unite his country
after achieving independence
from the british empire
Surely his spirit is worried still looking down on Kashmir, and brother fighting brother
His eloquence and simplicity
resonated so deeply
With millions of deeply impoverished beings
Raising them into justice with respect
This , our most compelling task
Handed to us
By a slight visionary
With a huge
Stubborn heart



Burns to know
Ecstatic embrace
To become lost
Finding oneself
Immersed in the
Gentle river
Of happiness
It is not a person 
That we seek,
We, our selves
Are able to manifest
our truth… though

They are all children of
The great radiance
That one that cannot be named
The way out will be
Recognition of the
Light of each
The world learns
ever so slowly
of its


Cover Artwork courtesy of Barbara Dickason